Your donation’s impact - doubled! Several sponsors joined to help us meet the $500,000 Giving Day goal. Donations during designated challenge hours were matched by America First Credit Union, UFirst Credit Union, Mountain America Credit Union and Salt Lake Community College’s Executive Cabinet, Foundation Board and Board of Trustees.


Your donations during Giving Day were matched during certain hours and amounts by our great sponsors. Thanks to our sponsors for their loyal support of Salt Lake Community College!

America First Credit Union

America First Credit Union matched up to $10,000 from 8 a.m. to noon.

Mountain America Credit Union

Mountain America Credit Union matched up to $2,500 from noon to 4 p.m.

UFirst Federal Credit Union

UFirst Federal Credit Union matched up to $2,500 from 4 to 8 p.m.

Salt Lake Community College Foundation Board

SLCC’s Foundation Board matched up to $2,000 from 8 p.m to midnight.